About Us
We have been in the business since 2021
We have been in the business since 2021
iSwitch Hosting was bootstrapped in 2021 and we’ve been on an epic ride ever since! Our initial aim was to grant users the complete freedom to express themselves online. Today, iSwitch Hosting provides a world-class website hosting platform to over 2000 users in 178 countries. We have developed a powerful technology to help you learn, create and grow you online presents .
Passionate and helpful individuals from all around the globe are there to assist day and night. Our dedicated Customer Success team will always be there to make your web hosting journey even better! No matter the time or place, they will always be on watch!
Our in-house administrator team has created a secure and reliable web hosting platform for all types of projects. We aim to provide the highest uptime possible while providing quickness and security in every step of the way. Make your website accessible to the whole world without any interruptions!
We take service quality very seriously. From cloud SMTP delivery, to advanced firewalls and HTTP/2 support, our web hosting servers are sure to provide you with a reliable infrastructure to begin creating the most amazing projects. Make your dreams happen today and experience the latest hosting technologies with iSwitch Hosting!
protect your unique domain name with an SSL certificate by choosing a web hosting package of 1 month or more. No extra charges! We strive for our website hosting packages to provide the best value and include everything a fully functional website may need.